lawyer strong



Manitoba’s Peer Support Program For Lawyers

Our Mission is to enhance the immediate and long term wellbeing of Manitoba’s legal community, through peer support, education, community,  and liaison with professional therapeutic services. We provide support in a confidential and non-judgmental way. Law(yer) Strong is a non-profit corporation.

two people talking
holding coffee

Matched Peer Support: Someone who has ‘been there’ can be an important source of compassion and support, and offer hope that there’s light on the other side of the struggle.  

Group Peer Support: We are not currently offering group sessions, but stay tuned for what we may be offering in the future.

two women at meeting

Law(yer) Strong works with the Blue Cross professional counselling program. All Lawyers, Articling Students, and Law Students, are eligible for up to 12 hours of counselling per family per year through their membership with the Law Society of Manitoba as part of the Employee Assistance Program.  

Run club

Law(yer) Strong offers Healthy Lawyers’ Community Activities to get lawyers away from their desks at lunch hour to participate in a 30 minute walk or run, or other activity such as yoga.  

Latest News

Peer Support Volunteer Training

Our next scheduled training sessions will be online on Thursday afternoons March 6 & 13 from 1pm-4pm. Join our team …

Our Winter Newsletter is here!

It’s cold and crisp but we have lots of events planned to keep learning, connecting and staying active this Winter …


Comedy Night Fundraiser

March 26, 2025 – “Laughter is and always will be the best form of therapy”. As part of our Getting …

Peer Support Training-March 6 & 13

Thursday, March 6 and Thursday, March 13, 2025 from 1pm-4pm. Join our movement to bring compassion and hope for a …