lawyer strong

Wellness Challenge 2024

Challenge 2024


Wellness challenge
Our goals image

Empowering Wellness, Building Resilience: Manitoba Lawyers Unite for a Balanced Future!

Aimed at transforming the well-being of Manitoba lawyers. In our demanding profession, it’s easy to prioritize work over well-being, leading to burnout and dissatisfaction. This challenge is our proactive step towards building healthier cultures and addressing the primary causes of stress and imbalance in our profession

SUMMER Wellness ChallengeS

  • Four engaging activities over 8 weeks, with ample time to complete each one.
  • Weekly activities designed for all sized firms to engage all staff.
  • Promoting a holistic, supportive work culture for physical, mental, social, and professional well-being.

Primary Focus

  • NOT just about individual health.
  • Emphasis on building a supportive work environment.
  • Promoting a culture of wellness by doing it together.


  • Engagement Rate:  % of people who actively participated in the challenge
  • Impact on Culture: % of people who report that the challenge positively influenced their work environment
  • Future Participation: % of people who express interest in future similar challenges
circle graphics

JUNE 17- JUNE 28

Activities icons

your Wellness activities

Complete the Summer Wellness 2024 Survey (3 mins)

Set Boundaries/Work-Life Balance (5-10 mins)

  • Dedicate one day next week exclusively to no meetings, you will use this time for work. Mark it on your calendar today.
  • Schedule two days of vacation by the end of September 2024 for resetting and recharging. Schedule it and honour it!

Promote Mentorship and Inclusion (10-20 mins)

Completing the activities will take approximately 33 MINUTES over the next two weeks. Can you foster a sense of camaraderie and collaboration?


Computer, Home, Conversation icons


Techno-Stress Relief (10 mins)

  • Enjoy the weekend! Avoid emails July 13-14 to allow everyone to enjoy a weekend without feeling obligated to respond to emails.
  • Avoid emails after 5:30 pm. Plan ahead.

Reason: Disconnecting allows your mind to recharge, improving focus, creativity, and overall performance when you return to work.

Remote Work (5 min) 

  • Choose one day to work from home and set a clear end time, such as stopping at 5:30 pm.

Reason: Flexible work arrangements and setting clear boundaries enhance work-life balance and productivity.

Cultivate Compassion (15 min) 

  • Engage in conversations with staff, articling students, or lawyers to deepen connections. Focus on topics that are not work-related. 

Reason: Building stronger interpersonal connections fosters a supportive work environment and improves mental well-being.

Completing the activities takes approximately 30 MINUTES over the next two weeks. Can you promote the importance of work-life balance? 

JULY 15 – JULY 26

magnifying glass, person stretching, people asking questions - icons


Explore Resources (30 mins)

Reason: Familiarizing yourself with available resources equips you to better support yourself and your colleagues, creating a more informed and resilient legal community.

Invite Participation (5 mins)

  • Ask two colleagues to join you for physical exercise or volunteer work.

Reason: Engaging in physical activities or volunteer work together fosters stronger connections, reduces stress, and promotes a sense of community and support.

Crisis Prevention (10 mins)

  • Learn about training opportunities at Law(yer) Strong to handle tough conversations. If you need help, explore resources from Klinic or call 9-8-8 for support.

Reason: Understanding how to navigate conversations about mental health and knowing where to seek help can save lives and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues.

Completing the activities takes approximately 45 MINUTES over the next two weeks. Can you encourage a more compassionate and informed legal practice to help your colleagues avoid burnout?

July 29 – August 9

Individual character traits and the factors influencing their work experience and legal practice.

Individual Context: Lead Constant Improvement

Over the next two weeks, we encourage reflection and ongoing professional development throughout one’s career to enhance long-term commitment to the profession.

individual images of male and female lawyers
people icons

sole, medium, & large

  • Self-Reflection – Reflect on the past 8 weeks to determine if the challenges reduced stress. Set goals for continued wellness and evaluate what worked and what didn’t work for you.
  • Professional Reflection – Identify skills, training, or policies to enhance work culture. Discuss with a partner at the firm or a similar-sized firm to explore ideas for improvement.What actions can be taken to drive meaningful change?
  • Work-Life Balance – Plan for August 5th (Civic Holiday) as your day off and refrain from sending any emails.

Download this form and check off activities as you complete them to track your progress!

Wellness Challenge Tracker

We strive to create viable activities for everyone. If you find any activity unsuitable, we encourage you to find a similar alternative. Our primary goal is for everyone at the workplace to engage in the same tasks, fostering meaningful conversations about workplace culture.

Towards a healthier, more balanced legal culture in Manitoba